將一個網頁從零開始,製作成一個美觀,有實際用途的網站,要的不只是時間,精力,還要靈感。從少時候用MICROSOFT FRONTPAGE,到現在只用DREAMWAVER打HTML,甚至用TEMPLATES例如GRID SYSTEM去加快製作流程,現在大多時間都不再是花在TECHNIQUE上,而是DESIGN上。近來我正替人做一個蛋糕網,我專登留了一些截圖,看看製作網頁的變化(其實都只是一天的時間LOL)。好了,中文不好,打字又慢,不打了,要看就看英文版吧XD。謝!
將一個網頁從零開始,製作成一個美觀,有實際用途的網站,要的不只是時間,精力,還要靈感。從少時候用MICROSOFT FRONTPAGE,到現在只用DREAMWAVER打HTML,甚至用TEMPLATES例如GRID SYSTEM去加快製作流程,現在大多時間都不再是花在TECHNIQUE上,而是DESIGN上。近來我正替人做一個蛋糕網,我專登留了一些截圖,看看製作網頁的變化(其實都只是一天的時間LOL)。好了,中文不好,打字又慢,不打了,要看就看英文版吧XD。謝!
This is Nicholas Workshop, a brand new site by Nicholas Wong that's just getting started. Things will be up and running here shortly, but you can subscribe in the meantime if you'd like to stay up to date and receive emails when new content is published!
1. Update etc config /etc/default/plexmediaserver # default script for Plex Media Server # the number of plugins that can run at the same time export PLEX_MEDIA_SERVER_MAX_PLUGIN_PROCS=6 # ulimit -s $PLEX_MEDIA_SERVER_MAX_STACK_SIZE export PLEX_MEDIA_SERVER_MAX_STACK_SIZE=3000 # where the
This web site has been down for more than a year and I have not been putting any time to maintain it and put it back online. These days I finally spent some time to make it happen. There is a new theme, new backbone using Ghost and I am
1. Generate a set of SSH key pair in your server You would need a public and private of SSH key, theoretically it can be generated in any computer as you like. The following is a sample to generate the key. ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "nicholas@example.