Website of Nicholas Workshop
Actually the development this website has been suspended for a while due to my busy life XD. Anyway just take a look and give me some comments. Link: http://nicholasworkshop.co.cc
Actually the development this website has been suspended for a while due to my busy life XD. Anyway just take a look and give me some comments. Link: http://nicholasworkshop.co.cc
Open default.smurfmap with Hex Editor from your Documents. Edit it according to the screenshot. PS. This is only for version 1.0.0.
Feeling sick with your FAT32 portable harddisk which cannot store files bigger than 4G? Use ExFAT. Currently the most updated stable version of Mac OSX is 10.6.4. And it doesn’t support ExFAT formatting (except some models of Macintosh). The next version, however, support ExFAT. These days, I
In Mac, Ruby is preinstalled. You can open Terminal and input the followings to view the version of Ruby installed in your Mac ruby -v Update Ruby. You might want to update your Ruby, however there is no installer for Ruby like Windows. Instead, we can use MacPort. Step 1.
It’s easy! Open Terminal and run the following commands Show hidden files defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE killall Finder Hide hidden files defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles FALSE killall Finder
The best practice is looking at examples: [@"12" integerValue] [@"12345" longLongvalue] [@"12.45" floatValue] [@"12.45" doubleValue]
To do formatting in objective-c, the result is 120.54. NSLog([NSString stringWithFormat:@"%.2f", 123*0.98]); It is nearly equivalent to the code in c: printf("%.2f", 123*0.98); Reference
Chrome Extension
Mail Checker Lite: Nicholas Workshop https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/gpmpdgciblcggldoiafnecomgiikleah There were a number of suggestions come with the comments from the world after the publication of my Chrome extension, Mail Checker. It is great as it help my program to become more mature and comprehensive. Suggestions including
I have been using adobe products such as illustrator and photoshop for years to support my works. The lastest work would be making icons for my Chrome Extensions =]. Adobe script has no doubt saved me a lot of time. And what make me excitied is that the script can be
I suddenly want to write a “Recent Comment” for this Blogspot as I am not satisfied with the default one. It is not difficult as I made use of jQuery to dual with the comment feed in Json format. All the data is avaliable and ready, what I do is
It comes finally. I have been hearing friends have their Hotmail upgraded for a long time. However, I was disappointed every time when I log in. But I would be more appreciated if they offer IMAP or MS Exchange that allowing people access their mailbox any other software like Apple
In order to make a program more flexible, it is normal to create an external file to store all the setting. For example, resolution setting of a game is saved in “config.ini” or “settings.prop” so that we can easily modify a program without recompile it. Here I would