Posting Source Codes On Wordpress
This is visual basic.
Private Function TempPath() As String
Const MaxPathLen = 256 ‘Max length of the path, just as big as possible
Dim FolderName As String ‘Name of the folder
Dim ReturnVar As Long ‘Return Value
End Function
To do so, you need to wrap the code between [sourcecode language="vb"]
and [/sourcecode]
. It supports the following languages.
- actionscript3
- bash
- coldfusion
- cpp
- csharp
- css
- delphi
- erlang
- fsharp
- diff
- groovy
- javascript
- java
- javafx
- matlab (keywords only)
- objc
- perl
- php
- text
- powershell
- python
- r
- ruby
- scala
- sql
- vb
- xml